The BP Oil spill, was it really that bad? To environmentalists, it could be the start of the end of the world, but that’s about the only group of people it’s offending. On April 20th, 2010, the BP Oil Company innocently drilled into the depths of the Gulf of Mexico for oil. As fate would have it, that day a pipe broke just off the coast, causing a disastrous explosion that killed 11 men working on the platform, and released about 530,000 barrels of oil from the oil well. While BP attempted to place a cap over the gushing wellhead, and while it stopped the leak for awhile, the cap somehow depleted and the government named it “effectively dead.” Oil continues to leak into the ocean and cause massive amounts of damage to marine and wildlife, as well as taking a toll on the Gulf’s fishing and tour industries. The waves still carry tons of oil out to sea.
Obviously, since BP cannot solve the problem that they brought upon themselves due to poor planning and human error, we Americans should take problems into our own hands. Using the government/taxpayers money we can strive together to simply drain the ocean. All of them, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific. Just get rid of them all. This would obviously solve many more problems than it would create. Just think, more space for the divine race of human species, not to mention the new lack of natural disasters like tsunamis and the like.Draining the ocean would give humans more of an opportunity to spread our legs, to have more area to conquer and essentially give Manifest Destiny a whole new meaning. Since America was the country to drain the ocean, we would have first choice of all the best land. China and the UK may shortly follow suit.
Of course all of the marine life would die, and there would be no more Whale Wars, due to the fact that they would be extinct. No need to save the polar bears, and environmentalists can give up the fight against saving weird, ugly creatures. There would be no more seafood, so no one would suffer from allergens or have to suffer that God-awful smell when it’s being cooked. Vegetarians would have to REALLY commit and only eat land-growing plants. Of course there would still be a few lakes here and there, so if people did throw a fit about not having seafood, a few Salmon hatcheries could be arranged.
In the process of draining the ocean, millions of years of historical artifacts would be unearthed, or undrowned, if you will. Whole museums could be devoted to submarines or sunken pirate ships. Think of what Disney could do with these kinds of goodies. The Lost City of Atlantis could be discovered and used as a theme park, roller coasters and everything. That’s enough reason in itself to get rid of the huge bodies of salt water.
There would need to be a few things considered, when people began moving out onto the ocean floor, extra caution needs to be taken when coming across reefs or crevasses. But, that’s what bridges are for, right? It would also be easier to get investigators down into the depths of the floor without hundreds of miles of ocean bursting their eardrums.
Now, these are all wonderful things we could do with the ocean floor after it’s been drained, but there are some of us that would actually miss the big, deep blue sea. Songs have been written about the beauty of a sunset disappearing behind waves, and to see one of God’s most amazing creations taken out of our eco system would be nearly catastrophic. If oil companies like BP would stop drilling for oil in our oceans we’d all be much better off, especially those animals that have lost their homes and food sources due to the unfortunate accident of something so easily avoided like the oil spill.