Monday, September 19, 2011


I guess you never realize how much crap you have until you actually have to pack all of it up, drive two hours away where you are going to put said crap into a dorm room, that's about half the size of the bedroom you already live in. Also, that room houses another person. I can't wait to meet my new roommate and all but the space issue is not my ideal situation.
I'll be spending the next few hours cleaning off my desk and organizing things that will go on/in my new desk. I hate that they neglect to tell you how much space you'll actually have to go off of. As of right now I don't even know what I can and cannot take, such as storage space. Should I bring the small drawers under my desk? Would they fit under my dorm desk? I don't know. At this point, I'm guessing it would be better to be safe than sorry, but then you'll have less room in the car to take other things.
Mind you, that's just the desk situation. When I start getting around to clothes and whatnot, I'll be pulling my hair out and cursing the sky.

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